Every lawyer at the firm is active in pro bono work. Many of our lawyers also volunteer their time and talents to community organizations of all types – from non-profits to educational and religious organizations
Our firm strives to secure grants and donations in order to provide workshops and seminars tailored to underserved communities’ legal and economic needs. This is in addition to the legal training, capacity building and conflict-resolution practicums provided for professionals in the private and public sectors.
Our firm takes seriously our professional and personal obligations to serve the public and the communities that surround us. We are proud of the work we offer to represent people who cannot afford legal representation and organizations pursuing issues of social significance. As such, our pro bono history is today embodied today in deep commitment to bringing the best possible legal representation to the most underserved, and frequently overlooked, populations.
Our firm takes seriously our professional and personal obligations to serve the public and the communities that surround us and we have been leaders in combining it with the corporate social responsibility of some multinationals in order to maximize outcomes
Sampling of Pro Bono Matters
Community Educational Development: Our firm is involved in a variety of community economic educational projects, the most recent of which being in Somalia with Puntland State University.
Refugees: Each year, the firm assists numerous children, young adults, and families who have left their country of origin to escape political or economic situations.
Not-for-Profit: our lawyers assist many not-for-profit groups - such as educational, environmental, and social action. Such organizations include the European Institute for the Commerce and Development as well as the
If you desire programming partnership in promoting the rule of law or in helping communities in a meaningful, long-lasting way, we would be delighted to entertain suggestions and proposals for our pro bono pursuits.
Also, if you are aware of any need for support or for community development in any of the jurisdictions where we operate, or even beyond, we would be delighted if you can get in touch.